Gran Canaria consist of home sellers from all over Europe, with different cultures, and many do not live on the island. According to Canarian practice, it is not common to have a formal handover, where buyer and seller meet in the home. So if you are not aware of these differences, the experience will probably not be quite as expected. In our experience, buyers are more likely to accept differences if this does not come as a surprise:
Cleaning, electricity and water
Thorough cleaning is not very common when selling a property, so make sure you prepare to clean after the takeover. Electricity and water consumption are charged on fixed days, the balance can therefore only be settled after the takeover.
House insurance
It can be expensive to forget to insure, so make sure your insurance policy is ordered in advance of the handover. Conditions and prices vary, so feel free to contact us for a supplier.
Some communities have rules about when owners can refurbish their properties, and rules on what you can and cannot do. So if you're considering upgrading, it's important that you communicate with your community first. Quality and prices vary, so feel free to contact us for reputable companies.
RE/MAX UTLAND does more to ensure that you will have a safe, positive and stress-free experience. If you order our complete purchase package, you don't have to worry in practical tasks before, during and after the transaction.